26th PAWW



“If I wanted to shake this tree with my hands I should not be able to do it. But the wind, which we do not see, tortures and bends it in whatever direction it pleases. It is by invisible hands that we are bent and tortured worst.” – Nietzsche


“Si je voulais secouer cet arbre avec mes mains, je ne pourrais le faire. Mais le vent, que l’on ne peut voir, le torture et le tord vers n’importe quelle direction qu’il lui plait. C’est par d’invisibles mains que nous sommes torturés et tordus le pire.” – Nietzsche

The PAWW Project

24th PAWW’s story

This is pretty late because I moved to a new city and didn’t have Internet for a week. I also couldn’t do any researches for this story, as you can guess, so don’t expect much from the technical part.

My sister basically said to me “You can’t blame gravity if there’s no gravity. Romance in space.” “Alright,” I said.

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23rd PAWW’s story

I’m moving to another city next week, and it’s one of the reasons that writing is so hard for me. Anxiety is a bitch, and there’s a lot of stuff going on, so focusing is difficult. I tried my best, however, and I hope you’ll enjoy this PAWW. It actually was inspired by a Canadian-French folklore tale.

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22nd PAWW’s story (FR)

(This PAWW is in French, for once in a while) Bonjour! J’ai décidé d’écrire ce PAWW en français parce que je n’étais pas capable d’écrire en anglais, mais le résultat est pas mal le même. J’ai un peu le syndrome de la page blanche, et je suis vraiment insatisfaite de ce PAWW, pas du concept mais de la façon dont j’ai géré l’histoire, c’est un peu la raison que je le publie aussi en retard (mon record).

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