Edwardo woke up to the screams of humans being eaten alive by zombies, down the street from his spacious apartment. It wasn’t the first time, and certainly not the last one such event would occur. He stretched with a yawn once he got out of his coffin, surprised to hear Valentino was already up. He came in the kitchen to the smell of blood, pleased to see a warm cup ready for him.

“Good morning, darling,” Valentino greeted him, kissing his cheek, and Edwardo returned the gesture.

“Thank you for the breakfast, I’m famished.”

“My pleasure. I heard our meal being eaten by someone else earlier. Pity, we’ll have to venture somewhere else.”

“A nice distraction from the dull nights.”

Valentino scoffed. “Playing chess together is not boring. I’ll let you know.” He sighed. “But a distraction would indeed be nice. Couldn’t we pretend to be humans in search of a roof for the night? Oh, I’d love to rub dirt on that pretty skin of yours.”

Edwardo rose an eyebrow, sipping his blood.

“We could do this, if you want to. Anything to cheer you up, love.”

Valentino clapped his hands together, delighted. “Then I shall fetch our outfit. Oh, this will be splendid.”

Edwardo had time to finish his meal before his lover came back, dressed like a human survivor and his arms bearing another outfit for him. Taken directly from the corpses of survivors, the clothes had sweat and tears filling the different fabrics.

Edwardo put it on, making a face at the smell, but quickly got used to it as the exterior world smelled about the same, and it was even worst around the zombies.

“Don’t we make a striking duo?” Valentino laughed, and off they sauntered out their apartment. It was almost silent except for the usual groans, but Edwardo could hear a muffled conversation some streets away. Valentino put some dirt on them both with enthusiasm and followed him as they made their way towards its source, glancing at the zombies ignoring them. Their nose wasn’t as enhanced as vampires’, which was lucky for them. He’d hate to do races against zombies for their lunch, but at least it wouldn’t be his clothes that would be dirtied with undead bits.

“Over here,” Valentino led them to an alley, where they came face to face with a teenager. They’d caught him by surprise, probably sent on a run because of his ability to stay quiet.

“Hi,” Edwardo was quick to say, showing his hands to tell him they meant no harm.

“Um, hi…” The kid looked behind him, in the direction of the rest of the group. It meant they were close to where they stayed.

“We’re looking for a place to crash,” Valentino explained with a gentle voice, almost making Edwardo cackle.

Clearly the boy didn’t know what to do. Edwardo showed him his bag filled with food and cans of random stuff humans seemed to love. The mortal’s eyes lit up at so much food.

“Where did you find this?”

“Here and there. We’re used to eating little, so we’re ready to give this to your group if we can stay with you.”

“Oh… sure. We’re close by where we stay, anyway. Right this way.”

Valentino winked at Edwardo, and they followed him. They were five in total, enough blood for them to last a few months. Edwardo’s fangs elongated at the mere thought.

Ooh, they even had a baby.

The PAWW Project

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